I originally made a Mastodon account back in 2018 when it first launched, but it never clicked with me back then, and I eventually went back to Twitter. New Twitter alternatives have been popping up recently, but it seems that the most popular one continues to be Mastodon. I can’t keep up with every little thing that has happened since the beginning of November, and it feels like the spotlight is always on the toxicity of the site in general. The only way to save your work is by writing until the. If you exit early, or stop typing for longer than five seconds, all progress is lost. Choose how long you want to write (5, 15, 30 min), then enter a flow session. It frees the writer to turn on, tune in, and open up. You literally cannot go a day (or a few days or even a week) without some stupid new change to the site - whether it’s about checkmarks for verified or Twitter Blue subscriber accounts, how links to other social networks are banned and then reversed, view counts on Tweets, or something else. Flowstate is a response to the amphetaminic digital age.

Put all the content from "Flowstate.-." (posted here) into your modded apex main folder. Replace all the content in /platform/scripts/ with the last FS scripts Use this tool and select "Flowstate" option to get the last flowstate scripts version.
#Flowstate voodoo install
Important, read this! THIS IS A BREAKING UPDATE, You need to install the scripts from this repo + "Flowstate - Required Files.zip" posted below to be able to join flowstate scripts servers. My new gamemodes will be merged progressively. Fix no audio when killed and player spawns quickly in 1v1.Fix scoreboard input lag caused by tf2 scoreboard (This is not the definitive fix for input lag issue but we are working on that).Fix cl_showhoststats error in aim trainer.Fixed Hammerpoint on p2020 and Mozambique.Enable ingame map editor again since Treeree keeps using it.(Thanks Amos for making me realize this, I thought it was stable) Updated Lobby by AyeZee Reverted, it's not finished yet and it has multiple issues.Replace all the content in /platform/scripts/ with the latest FS scripts Install R5R SDK v2.2.3 (latest version):
#Flowstate voodoo zip
zip ( scripts ) from this repo + "Flowstate - Required Files.zip" posted below to be able to join servers that use my scripts or use my mods. Made by and his team for the help creating prophunt and duckhunt (And more read this! You need 2.2.3+ SDK.
#Flowstate voodoo simulator
Bounces simulator (requested by DEAFPS, same as popcorn targets but you're bouncing too).Added two new challenges to aim trainer.Added zipline delay after three usages like retail, cooldown will be 1.5s, if you want to give feedback about this tag me in the r5r discord server.Added improved lobby changes (Thanks Ayezee).Install Required Files for Flowstate: Put all the content from "Flowstate.-." (posted here) into your modded apex main folder.Install Flowstate Scripts: Replace all the content in /platform/scripts/ with the latest FS scripts:.Install R5R SDK v2.2.5 (latest version):.